Special Education Services
CCCS adheres to the six pillars of Special Education: Individualized Education Program (IEP), Least Restrictive Environment (LRE), Free and Appropriate Public Education (FAPE), Appropriate Evaluation, Parent and Teacher participation, and procedural safeguards.
CCCS strongly believes in Least Restrictive Environments and Inclusion practices for students. CCCS ensures FAPE by providing Special Education Services to all Students with Disabilities in a Least Restrictive Environment that is appropriate to the student. Students’ services may be provided in both a small group environment, in One-on-One supports, through Direct and Indirect Services, as well as in the General Education Setting.
CCCS is committed to student success and post-graduation transitioning. The school provides a Staff Mentor program to ensure all students have the opportunity for success. The assigned Mentor monitors grades, behavior, attendance, and also has a relationship with the family so that the student and family have that extra support from the school. The Mentor helps the students and families create their schedules, Graduation Plans, parent/teacher conferences, and weekly check-ins. The parents know that someone outside their family cares about their child. This program makes CCCS exceptionally unique by providing extra support through the Mentoring and has helped our student meet success at all levels.
Students are assigned to small Inclusion classes (maximum of 17 students with the average class size smaller) with accommodations, modifications, and supports provided in all classes. Special Education Teachers also teach specific Special Education Classes, such as Language Live, as needed.
Classes are offered through Synchronous Direct Instruction utilizing tools such as Google Classroom and Zoom, as well as Asynchronous Online options such as Edgenuity, and Independent Study options.
Extra academic supports are delivered in General Education Classes through Special Education Teachers, trained EA’s or additional Tutoring time. Students are also given daily extra One-on-One and/or small group supports as needed.