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Our Social Workers and Counselors can help you with:
Coping with crisis situations (traumatic events, loss of housing, etc...)
Linking students and families to community resources (counseling, substance abuse treatment, food banks, financial support)
Support coping with stress, grief, depression, anxiety, and substance addiction.
Support with school and attendance barriers.
Assist in conflict mediation between students as well as coaching students in effective conflict resolution skills.
Providing students with food from the school's emergency food bank.
Assisting with completion of Medicaid/SNAP/TANF/Housing application.
CCCS will keep information confidential, with possible exceptions. CCCS employees are required by law to share certain information with your parents, law enforcement, and/or certain professionals, in the curtain circumstances including.
If there is a belief that you are at risk of harming yourself.
if there is a belief that you are at risk of harming someone else.
if there is a belief that someone is trying to hurt you.
if you give me verbal or written permission to share information.