Student Navigation
To request more information:
Call the Admissions Office
(505) 750-3048
Mon-Thu 9:30am - 5:30pm
Fri 10:30am - 4:30pm
Cuando llegue a la página de registración haga clic en el globo arriba en el lado derecho de la forma para la traducción en español.
Para recibir una llamada de un miembro del personal de la escuela CCCS
Lottery will be held 11/9/2023
Students may begin the admission process on-line or by calling the school office at
(505) 877-0558 or (505)750-3048. Pre-registration or enrollment may occur immediately if there is space available. If the school is full, the student will be placed on a waiting list and take part in the next scheduled lottery (see The Lottery System below).
CCCS strives to have a caring and safe learning environment. Clear expectations, fairness, and consistency regarding rules help students to make good choices while at school. CCCS strives to maintain a problem solving focus by working with our students to catch problems early. We work together with students and families to find solutions that will allow students to be successful in our school. The Student/Parent Handbook explains rules and expectations in more detail.
In accordance with New Mexico Statute 22-1-4(E) a student who has been expelled from any school district or private school in this state or any other state during the preceding twelve months may not enroll at CCCS until after a twelve month period from date of expulsion. Also, a student may not enroll at CCCS if the student's behavior in another school district or private school in this state or any other state during the preceding twelve months is deemed detrimental to the welfare or safety of other students or school employees.
All students under 18 years of age must be accompanied and enrolled by a parent or guardian.
CCCS is open to students from anywhere in the state of NM in grades 9-12. As appropriate, the school will advertise an open enrollment period within the school community so that all interested students may have an equal opportunity to apply for admission. CCCS will also announce upcoming lottery drawings.
Pre-registration or enrollment windows are scheduled to bring in new students throughout the year as space becomes available. If the school is full, the student will be put on a waiting list and take part in the next scheduled lottery. Students on the lottery list are called and have 24 hours (or one business day) to respond to the phone call before they lose their spot on the list.
It is the student’s/family’s responsibility to notify the school of changed contact information.
CCCS grants enrollment preference to:
Current and returning CCCS students.
Siblings of students already admitted to or attending CCCS.
Military Families relocating to New Mexico
NOTE: enrollment preference applies only to initial enrollment at CCCS; students who are withdrawn and want to return to CCCS will be placed on the waiting list.
Homeless Student Enrollment Procedure
Cesar Chavez Community School follows all non-regulatory guidance in accordance with Title I of The Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) as amended by The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) in ensuring educational stability for children in foster care. Furthermore, Cesar Chavez Community School follows all non-regulatory guidance in accordance with The Education for Homeless Children and Youth (EHCY) program authorized under Title VII-B of the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act as amended by The No Child Left Behind Act of 2001.
Cesar Chavez Community School will work with homeless students and families to accommodate and expedite enrollment procedures.