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About Title 1
Title I Part A focuses on four components
Holding states, districts, and schools accountable for the results of student learning.
Using proven research-based strategies designed to facilitate school-wide reform and improvement.
Collaborating with parents and communities to strengthen the school’s ability to meet the needs of all students and improve the school, in addition to expanding parental options.
Allowing states and districts greater control and flexibility in determining the most effective educational environment for their population.
How do I find out about Title I at my school?
CCCS has an Annual Meeting, usually during the Open House, to explain the school’s Title I Program. Parents/Guardians can also contact the school for information regarding Title I.
How can I be involved in decisions regarding the Title I program?
Every school has funds allocated for parent engagement activities. By participating in these activities a parent can become more involved in the school’s educational goals and the educational outcomes for their child.
For More Information: Please Contact The Title 1 Director at: 505-877-0558 ext. 102
About Title 1 Part A: Improving Programs
Title I provides extra educational funding to schools with a high number of children experiencing poverty who are most at risk of failing to meet the state’s challenging content and performance standards. Additionally, Title I schools must provide opportunities for families to be engaged in their students’ education. Parents and families are encouraged to be involved with their schools Title I program and learn how Title I funds are spent. There are two types of programs: Targeted Assistance and School wide. Cesar Chavez Community School's Title IA programs are school wide.
School wide programs use funds to improve the entire program of the school so that all are impacted. Cesar Chavez Community School has a Parent Advisory Council composed of parents of students being served by the program. Committee members advise the school on program, priorities, and budget. The funding the school receives in Title IA is used for salaries for educational assistants, a parent involvement program, and homeless student supports.
Cesar Chavez Community School implements a strategic plan each year built from 360 degrees of data and feedback. Students, community members, staff, and families are all invited to multiple opportunities to give feedback and ideas on how to best meet the needs of our most vulnerable students. High-quality research informs effective strategies.
The school’s strategic plan focuses on meeting student needs and increasing student achievement. The school monitors the success of their plan by measuring specific performance framework goals.
The school’s plan currently focuses on hiring and training highly qualified Educational Assistants to meet student needs through individualized support and tutoring. Plans may include hiring additional staff, providing effective professional development opportunities, offering tutorial services, purchasing materials and supplies, or promoting parental and community involvement programs.
Title 1 Needs Assessment
There are three core elements of a schoolwide program [Title I regulations § 34 CFR 200.26]:
1. A school must conduct a comprehensive needs assessment that identifies the school’s strengths and challenges in key areas that affect student achievement. Cesar Chavez Community School uses a multi-layered approach, analyzing survey data, individual and small group input from students, family, staff, and community, and school performance framework data. By analyzing 360 degrees of data, the school is able to identify the school's strengths and challenges.
2. The school must develop a comprehensive schoolwide plan that describes how it will achieve the goals it has identified as a result of its needs assessment. The school develops a plan each year to best utilize Title 1 funding in alignment with the school Performance Framework goals and the School Annual DASH plan and improvement plans.
3. The school must evaluate annually the outcomes and the plan’s implementation to determine whether the academic achievement of all students, and particularly of low-achieving students, improved, whether the goals and objectives contained in the plan were achieved, and if the plan is still appropriate as written. The school evaluates outcomes each year through the DASH and the Performance Framework to determine if objectives were achieved and to identify any alterations that may need to happen to best serve student needs.
Family Engagement
Cesar Chavez Community School is committed to building collaborative relationships between school, families, and community.
All Parents are encouraged to participate in Parent Advisory Committee meetings. In addition, parent input is gathered through one on one meetings with the school administrator and school staff mentors. We want to hear your ideas!
Parents or guardians are also encouraged to volunteer at the school (For more information, Contact the School Principal)
Cesar Chavez Community School works collaboratively with students and families toward each student’s success! Parent engagement is a key component of this success! We value structures, like our Mentoring program, that provide close, accessible, frequent, and reliable communications with every family.
We rely on our parents and families to participate in surveys, discussions, and meetings that help us to review, revise and/or improve our program as well as our Title 1 Parent Engagement Policy and Title 1 Compact each year, based on your feedback. All of your input and ideas are invited!
Click Here for CCCS Title 1 Parent Engagement Policy. For Family Engagement questions and opportunities please contact the Title 1 Director.
Parents Right to Know
(see also link to information)
The federal Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), and the state Public School Code, permits you as a parent, the right to request information about the licensure and other qualifications, teaching assignment, and training of your child’s teacher, instructional support providers, including paraprofessionals, and school principal(s) who may work with your child.
Specifically, you have the right to ask for the following information about each of your child's classroom teachers:
Whether the New Mexico Public Education Department has licensed or certified the teacher for the grades and subjects he or she teaches.
Whether the New Mexico Public Education Department has decided that the teacher can teach in a classroom without being licensed or certified under state regulations because of special circumstances.
If the teacher is certified or licensed to teach in another discipline.
Whether any teachers' aides or similar paraprofessionals provide services to your child and, if they do, their qualifications.
If you are interested in requesting this information, please contact your principal.
Derecho de los Padres al Acceso a la Información
La ley federal Cada Estudiante Tiene Éxito (ESSA) y el Código estatal de las Escuelas de Nuevo México, permite que usted como padre, tenga el derecho de pedir información sobre la licencia y competencias profesionales, los puestos asignados, desarrollo profesional e historial académico de la maestra(o) de su hija(o); esto incluye asistentes educativos y directores escolares que trabajen con su hijo(a).
Usted tiene el derecho de preguntar la siguiente información sobre la maestra(o) de su hijo(a):
Si el Departamento de Educación Pública de Nuevo México ha dado licencia o certificado a la maestra(o) para enseñar en el grado o material en la que enseña.
Si el Departamento de Educación Pública de Nuevo México ha decidido que debido a circunstancias especiales, la maestra(o) puede enseñar en la clase sin tener una licencia o certificado como es estipulado en las regulaciones del estado.
Si la maestra(o) está certificado para enseñar en alguna otra disciplina.
Si cualquier asistente de maestro u otros profesionales que den servicios a su hijo(a) y de ser así cuales son sus títulos y competencias.
Si usted está interesado en requerir dicha información, por favor contáctese con el director de la escuela.