Our Vision
CCCS empowers students to be resilient, contributing participants in our changing global society.
Our Mission
CCCS offers intensive support to students entering or reconnecting to high school through flexible and personalized programs during non-traditional hours. We prepare our graduates for their next steps, including education, training, work, family, and participation in the community.
CCCS was established in 2004 to serve students and families in the greater Albuquerque area.
CCCS is focused on meeting every student where they're at, and designing individual learning programs to meet the needs that were not met in traditional school settings. CCCS is focused on flexible and personalized learning through hybrid options, including high-quality, on-campus and remote learning and Zoom classes.
Further, CCCS provides every student and family with a staff mentor. Mentors and students build relationships throughout the students’ high school years. Mentors build consistent and meaningful communication with students and families regarding attendance, academic progress, and students’ goals.
CCCS Parent: “CCCS’ Mentors are the anchor of the whole program. They are so much more than just an advisor. They help with academics with questions about classes and schedules, but they also connect with students on a really human level, as a person. It doesn’t matter what the challenge of the day is in your life, your mentor is there for you and they will work with you to help you figure it out.”
CCCS has created a unique hybrid program that provides every student with a Chromebook and allows students the flexibility to learn from home, or on campus, while working directly with teachers and other students in daily Zoom classes. CCCS utilizes daily direct instruction and creative, teacher-created curriculum to meet the unique needs of each one of our students. Teacher-created curriculum integrates learning standards with students’ real-life connections, differentiated to meet the unique needs of every student in their classes.
The intent of CCCS is to provide high caliber educational services during times and formats that are more flexible and self-paced for non-traditional and working students. Students and families are empowered to choose their own individualized schedule and learning plan.
All courses and supports are FREE, including credit recovery and accelerated credit earning, Zoom classes, Edgenuity classes, Career class electives, Creative Arts electives, Independent study classes, CTE and Dual-credit College classes, tutoring classes, and volunteer and work experience options.
This unique program attracts learners who need more flexibility and support. Our students often did not feel comfortable or supported in traditional settings. Our students are often juggling school responsibilities with life-demands and challenges, such as work, health issues, or family-responsibilities.
CCCS is made of excellent staff and teachers who are highly committed to the success of all our students! We work to provide a safe, nurturing, positive and supportive environment, at all times. And we work side-by-side with students to problem-solve and overcome educational barriers.
Students who have previously experienced academic challenges in more traditional school environments find that they can build confidence and excel with the support available at CCCS.
CCCS Offers:
Daily one-on-one tutoring with CCCS tutors and teachers
Every Student assigned a Staff Mentor
Academic Advising
Attendance Coaching, Social Work, and Counseling Services
Individualized, Flexible Scheduling/Learning Plans
Zoom Classes
Special Education Services
Credit Recovery/Accelerated Credits
CTE and Dual Credit College Classes (FREE high school and college credit!)
Edgenuity Classes, Independent Study Classes, and Work Study Classes
If you want to complete your high school education and receive your diploma and you seek a small, non-traditional, and safe academic environment, then Cesar Chavez Community School
can provide you with that opportunity.

¡Sí, se puede!
To make a dream come true, the first requirement is a great capacity to dream; the second is persistence.
- Cesar Chavez

CCCS Focuses on Support
Community Connections
Cesar Chavez prides itself on being a school which connects to our community. If you have an interest in participating in our school, please contact Karina Cuara for more information.
We would love to have you volunteer, donate experiences, and more!